Monday, April 9, 2012

The Emperor's new clothes

CEOs need high pay - just like sports stars, says ANZ CEO Phil Chronican

Monday, February 20, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

ANZ's Cruise of a LifeTime/Ship of Shame

ANZ cruise

  • From:Herald Sun 
  • February 18, 2012 12:00AM


    You would have to laugh if it wasnt so tragic that a bank such as the ANZ could do this to its ex-employees and customers.

    Im asking for a decent, compassionate, lawyer/barrister etc to help me go to the Supreme Court and win my case against the ANZ.

    The Silver Shadow at sea

    Enough is enough, make this bank pay against its Roman like indulgences and win a case for the ordinary person on the street. Which law firm has the balls to stand up for justice and the truth?

    Thursday, February 16, 2012

    ANZ Mobile Lenders

    YouTube video saids it all! Perhaps these lot are part of the 1,000 jobs to be axed!

    Thanks Greg for the video!

    Saturday, January 28, 2012

    Wheels of Progress - Zero

    The last time I heard anything from the ANZ was towards the end of Oct 2011.
    The so called customer advocate Rhonda Day, who is more like the devil's advocate spoke directly to Phil Chronican and explained to me that the ANZ had done nothing wrong in my case!

    Why is this incompetent female creature called a customer advocate ? More like "Yes Minister" or in this case yes Phil, I know on which side of the fence my bread is buttered!!

    She then proceeded to tell me that Mr Ross Ward would contact me the following week, to place the land back on the market...3 months later, I'm still waiting and even though the payments/interest continue to skyrocket over $200,000 ... it shows the bank's greed,negligence and non-empathy towards their customer which will look good in court.

    This is the bank that lays off workers will still promoting the Australian Open Tennis and the ferry race on Australia Day!

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